Natural0002 Yellowish Brown
Raw materials:Chestnut shell
Chestnut shell contains cellulose, lignin, dye phenols, organic acids, sugars, polysaccharides (or glycosides), flavonoids (or saponins), phytosterols (or triterpene), lactones, coumarins (or glycosides) and tannin and other ingredients. In addition, it also has various microelements such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese and so on. In folk, chestnut shell is often used to treat chronic bronchitis, cough, whooping cough, lymphadenitis, mump.
Plant Area & Production Base:
Jiangsu & Anhui
Dye Production Process:
Harvest→Screening→Raw Material→Extraction→Concentration→Purification→Drying→Grinding →Packing