

壹:第十七届中国国际染料工业及有机颜料、纺织化学品展览会 常州美胜以“天然、绿色、健康”为主题,宣传的主要产品:植物染料、微胶囊、阻燃剂、 抗菌剂等几大类多系列产品,备受国内外客户的青睐。

貳:首届中国草木染大会在常州召开 由常州大学和中国纺织工程学会主办、常州美胜生物材料有限公司协办的大会。为植物染相关校所企搭建一个良好的平台,为各单位提供信息、技术交流和学术研讨,分享近年来有关植物染料方面的新材料、新技术、新工艺、新设备、新设计的显著成果。

肆:全国纺织草木染技术研发中心 常州美胜生物材料有限公司作为首家中国植物染料粉体生产供应商, 亦拥有成套植物染生态技术。目前止,已有21种植物染料粉体供市场选择,获中国纺织工程学会授牌“全国纺织草木染技术研发中心”。

柒:新产品,新技术支撑国家高新技术企业 开发新型微胶囊香溢产品系列:艾草、生姜、益母草等;新型保湿系列微胶囊产品:乳木果、阿甘油、椰子油等。微胶囊产品,美胜生物在市场独占鳌头!新型抗菌防臭防蚊防螨等多功能环保助剂,美胜产品已获大家认可。2017年美胜公司授权发明专利4项,公司再获高新技术企业认定。美胜已拥发明专利37项。
Success in 2017, Advance in 2018
Reviewing MYSUNBIO development at the end of 2017, many events are successfully concluded. Our MYSUNBIO product series, including plant dyes, functional micro capsules, flame retardants and other functional textile chemicals, have enjoyed good visibility and recognition at home and abroad.
2017 main successful business events as follows:
A.Participating in China Interdye 2017
With the theme of “natural, green and healthy”, we promoted our main products in the exhibition. Our plant dyes, functional micro capsules, flame retardants and anti-microbial agents gained the popularity among the customers at home and abroad.
B.Holding the first plant dye conference in Changzhou
The first plant dye conference was held in Changzhou. It was hosted by Changzhou University &China Textile Engineering Society and sponsored by Changzhou Meisheng Biomaterials Co., Ltd.. Through this conference, we established a good plant dye platform for related colleges and enterprises; we provided information, technical communication and academic seminar; besides, we share plant dyes achievement of new materials, new technologies, new processes, new equipment and new designs in recent year.
C.Establishing plant dye workshop
We registered plant dye brand named RanXia and established plant dye workshop.
Our workshop is a kind of studio with the function of learning science, displaying, experiencing, training and communicating. At present, our band cashmere scarves, silk scarves, cotton towels and garment are online sales. In future, We will develop high-grade silk fabrics, high-grade women clothing, health-care underwear, baby product and home textiles.
D.Being Awarded National Plant Dye R&D Center
As the first China plant dye powder supplier, we have the full set of plant dye technology. There are 21 kinds of plant dye powders developed for customers. Therefore, we were awarded National Plant Dye R&D Center by China Textile Engineering Society.
E.Signing HealthGuard® China exclusive distributor Agreement
HealthGuard Corporation Pty.Ltd is a privately-owned Australian chemical company engaging in safe and health-care products for 30 years.
HealthGuard® is the world leader in innovative disease prevention, encompassing Anti-Bed Bug, Anti-Dust Mite, Anti-Mosquito, Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Fungal (Anti-Microbial)
treatments. HealthGuard® products are safe and trusty with full set of certificate and hang tags. They have enjoyed a good fame in global. We are HealthGuard® exclusive distributor in China, If you do not purchase “HealthGuard” through our MYSUNBIO in China, you will be purchasing fake pirated product and may be subject to legal liability.
F.Evaluating and making the standard of the natural Indigo for textile use
The natural Indigo standard making and evaluating meeting was led by Changzhou Meisheng Biomaterials Co., Ltd.. It is significant for the first plant dye standard for textile use. At present, China is at the leading level in the research and application of plant dyes. So it is of great significance of establishing the domestic first standard for the plant dye and its treated textiles. At the same time, it provided a valuable guidance for more plant dye standards making and laid the foundation for the plant dye industrialization.
G.Supporting national high-tech enterprises with new product and new technology
We developed new aroma microcapsule product as follows: wormwood, ginger, herba etc. New moisture microcapsule products as follows: Shea butter, Argan oil, cocoanut oil etc.. Our functional micro capsule products have the leading role in the market. The new anti-microbial, anti-odor, anti-mite products have been recognized by the customers. We were authorized four new invention patents and awarded national high-tech enterprises in 2017. We have been authorized 37 invention patents totally so far.
We will keep on moving in 2018.
Our Enterprise Aim: Green, technology, fashion, culture and Brand
China Interdye 2018
The Second National Plant Dye Conference
Plant Dye Association
Comprehensive cooperation in plant dye development and application
Capacity expansion
Looking forward to reaching more achievements in 2018!
HELLO 2018